FAKRO Wind Sensor

Current Stock:
Fakro ZWD

Quick Overview

When installed in conjunction with the FAKRO ZWMP Weather Module, the FAKRO ZWD Wind Sensor is a convenient device that’s designed to detect extreme wind changes. When mounted on a rooftop area, it can record wind speeds and notify any Z-Wave compatible windows to close upon reaching high speeds.

  • Easy-to-install in conjunction with the FAKRO ZWMP Weather Module
  • Automatically monitors wind speeds and activates a signal at wind speed threshold (40km/h)
  • Can close Z-Wave compatible windows upon detecting a certain wind speed threshold (40km/h)
  • NOTE!! The FAKRO ZWD Wind Sensor does not display or record wind speed.

Product Details

When unpredictable weather changes occur, the FAKRO ZWD Wind Sensor system can automatically close windows to protect your home. When installed with the FAKRO Z-Wave ZWMP Weather Module, the Wind Sensor can be used to detect wind speeds and communicate with any Z-Wave compliant window installations when the wind threshold of 40km/h has been reached. Upon detecting high levels of wind (above 40 kmph), the Wind Sensor will communicate via radio frequency and close any associated motorized windows around the home. Through smart inclusion with your home’s existing Z-Wave Network, the Wind Sensor can easily be installed alongside other automated devices in order to work together.

Simply mount the FAKRO ZWD Wind Sensor on a suitable rooftop area and connect it (wired) to the FAKRO ZWMP Weather Module, which will allow all allocated windows to directly communicate with the Weather Module and Wind Sensor.   

Technical Specifications

 Dimensions  80mm x 85 mm
 Power cord  2 x 0.25 mm2 (5 m included)